by Emma Morgan
Yoga Instructor, Reiki Practitioner, & Therapeutic Art Teacher

In the western world, yoga is predominantly known as a type of exercise; in reality, it is so much more than that. Yoga is one of the oldest forms of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical practices still in existence today. Originating in India, the sole intent of this highly devotional practice was to honor Hindu gods and goddesses, gurus, the seasons, and the elements in an auspicious way.
When I came to yoga at age nineteen, I was looking for a “good workout.” I was a gymnast for fifteen years prior and was determined not to let my “athletic look” fade away after retirement, so I found vinyasa yoga. Vinyasa is commonly known as the most athletic sector of yoga, one that is predominantly practiced in the west, and in the west almost exclusively.
Ego out and blazing, I became obsessed with vinyasa yoga in a heated room. I attended two to three classes per day, thinking that I needed to be doing all the classes, because like so many female-presenting people, my constant conundrum was: who was I without my physique being in pristine condition? This mindset became my entire personality and since vinyasa was supporting the physical upkeep that I was attached to, I got certified as a yoga instructor in this vinyasa style after just one year of personal practice.
During my yoga instructor certification, the bubble of “exercise” I put yoga into popped. I studied different types of yoga, the philosophies behind yoga, and the history of yoga, all of which guided me towards and through my impending identity crisis. All this learning awakened me to the knowledge that there was something beyond what the physical eye can see about the practice of yoga and about the inner workings of the Universe. In the next few years, I underwent a long and painful transition from living life from the Ego to living it from the Heart. I started to place value entirely on the beauty of the Soul rather than the vessel, the physical appearance. This journey led me to rediscovering my psychic abilities and cracked open my worldly perspective to one far more otherworldly.
I have since discovered the magic of kundalini yoga. Kundalini is a style that uses yoga as a tool to access spiritual energy and gain enlightenment, using an athletic style of yoga to get out of the head and into the body to access this enlightened state. A beautiful compliment to vinyasa, the style I already knew so well.
Currently, I use yoga as a spiritual practice, which just so happens to have physical benefits that keep my body strong while clearing my channel by providing a space for energetic and emotional release. Therefore, every yoga class I lead is meant to guide each individual back to their heart space, their Soul, through vinyasa movement and kundalini activation.
To read more about my style of yoga, click here, and to sign up for a yoga class, email me Namaste; the light in me sees and honors the light in you. 🙏📿✨
- Emma Morgan